FRIDAY, May 9, 2014
8.30-9.00 Registration
9.00-9.15 Opening of the conference
9.15-10.15 Plenary lecture I
Prof. Witold Kwaśnicki: Quadruple helisa: great government-great business-universities-media. Creative capitalism (guy capitalism) is already 100 years old
10.15-10.45 Coffee break with poster session
10.45-12.15 Parallel Sessions I
Session IA. Psychology of Money
What do money give us? Structure and corelaty psychological functions of money (M. Szawarska)
Effects of thinking about money in preschool children (S. Winb, A. Gąsiorowska, T. Zaleśkiewicz, K. D. Vohs)
The effect of repeatedly activating the idea of money (A. Kuźmińska)
Symbolic meaning of money and self-esteem (A. Gąsiorowska, K. D. Vohs, T. Zaleśkiewicz)
Session IB. Behavioral finance
Problems of reception of economic psychology in modern Polish economics (K. Fijałkowski)
Co-incident or the impact of betting market expectations on the realisation of the rates of return on the shares of football companies – the case of Borussia Dortmund (S. Majewski)
Does the prognostic strategy affect risk-taking? (Ł. Markiewicz, E. Kubińska, T. Tyszka)
Behavioral Portfolio Theory and strategies of individual stock investors (J. Sokolowska)
12.15-13.15 Lunch
13.15-14.45 Parallel Sessions
Session IIA. Consumer behaviour
Why do we consume for the show? (A. M. Zawadzka, M. Niesiobędzka)
Can measuring physiological indicators help you better understand the effectiveness of marketing communication? (D. Maison)
Self-control and consumer decisions (J. Buczny)
Impact of emotions of disgust on attitude towards the product and purchasing decisions (A. Hełka, I. Stefanowicz)
Session IIB. Decisions in conditions of risk and uncertainty
Impact of experience of success or failure in a financial task on the tendency to make financial decisions (Mr Sekścińska)
Uncertainty and uncertainty as a condition of economic decisions in the example of the problem of commercialization of science (A. Domurat)
Negative affection on the parameters of decision-making functions (J. Traczyk, K. Fuławka)
Impact of the way information is communicated with a very low probability on its reception/evaluation (S. Kołodziej, K. Idzikowska)
14.45-15.15 Coffee break with poster session
15.15-16.45 Parallel Sessions
Session IIIA. The importance of work
Economic socialization and the level of economic knowledge of Polish teenagers (12-16 years) (A. Trzcińska, S. Kołodziej, M. Łukasiak-Goszczyńska)
Satisfaction with remuneration and behaviour at work (A. Keplinger, E. Frątczak, K. Ławecka, P. Stokłosa)
When does work please? About the impact of engagement, basic self-assessment and conflict family – work for the needs of work and satisfaction achieved (R. Walczak)
How attitudes towards work are translated through areas of dependency values I, willingness to self-repair and felt stress (M. Wojtaś, A. M. Zawadzka)
Session IIIB. Cognitive processes and decision-making
Beliefs about normative correctness and real actions on the example of discounting (M. Białka, P. Sawicki)
Do mental abilities (intuition and intelligence) bind to susceit on mental inclinations? (A. Sobków, C. Nosal)
Cognitive distortion in the assessment of the authority of the epistemical expert on the example of the assessment of experts in economics (T. Zaleśkiewicz, A. Gąsiorowska, K. Stasiuk, R. Maksymiuk, Y. Bar-Tal)
16.45-17.00 Break
17.00-17.45 Aspe General Assembly
19.30-24.00 Gala dinner
SATURDAY, May 10, 2014
9.00-10.00 Plenary Lecture II
Prof. Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron: Can agent modeling replace a social experiment?
10.00-10.30 Coffee break
10.30-12.00 Session IV. Decisions in the social context
The impact of the phenomenon of social proof of righteousness on the decisions of internet users (J. Maruszewski, A. Macko)
Koherencja and the tendency to show trust (K. Samson, M. Kacprzyk-Murawska, M. Roszczyńska-Kurasińska, A. Nowak)
Tool for examining intercultural differences in the admissibility of lies (K. Cantarero, P. Saper)
The effect of the insured victim – is the victim's status relevant to punishing the perpetrators? (A. Macko)
12.00-12.30 Coffee break
12.30-14.00 Session V. Brand importance in consumer behaviour
Conceptualization and measurement of the brand's image in motivational terms (W. Razmus)
Kongruencja Ja – Consumer of the product brand: preventive and promotional value of brands for self-image (O. Gorbaniuk, M. Kolańska, D. Ryżak, J. Sabat, H. Nitkiewicz, D. Kędziorek, J. Kleniewska, A. Maciejewska, A. Kisiel, J. Filipowska)
Image of consumers of product brands – systematization and measurement of changes (M. Kolańska, O. Gorbaniuk, D. Ryżak, J. Sabat, H. Nitkiewicz, D. Kędziorek, J. Kleniewska)
Ecological approach in research of perception of marketing facilities (O. Gorbaniuk)
14.00-14.15 Conclusion of the conference.