DAY I – 17.05.2013 (FRIDAY)
8.30-9.00 Registration
9.00-9.30 Conference opening: ASPE, UW
9.30-10.30 Inaugural Lecture Special Guest
Verbal and Color Priming Effects on Risk Attitudes of Laymen and Finance Professionals – Doron Kliger
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-13.00 Block 1 – Financial and entrepreneurship market
1. Psychological aspects of technical analysis (Marcin Czupryna, Elżbieta Kubińska, Łukasz Markiewicz)
2. The impact of selected cognitive and emotional distortions on the degree of rationality of investment behaviour among people differing in the level of professionalism in investing in the stock exchange (Marcin Rzeszutek, Monika Czerwonka)
3. Phenomena conducive to the occurrence of negative discount rate (Marcin Palenik)
4. Entrepreneurship and discounting (Artur Domurat)
5. Degree of cooperation and number of companies in the iterated model of the Trenchpol Cournot (Kopczewski Tomasz, Kusztelak Przemysław)
13.00-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-15.30 Block 2 – Money
6. Activation of the idea of money and perseverance and effectiveness of the performance of tasks by children (Agata Gąsiorowska, Tomasz Zaleśkiewicz, Kathleen D. Vohs)
7. About the concentration on the possession of money and its determinants (Magdalena Szawarska)
8. Hierarchical model of money ratio (Grażyna Wąsowicz-Kiryło)
9. Role of coding levels in saving behaviors (Joanna Rudzińska-Wojciechowska)
15.30-16.00 Coffee break
16.00-17.15 Block 3 – Fear of Death
10. Saving and fear of death – Poles and Americans (Tomasz Zaleśkiewicz, Agata Gąsiorowska, Pelin Kesebir)
11. The impact of the death reminder on the moral assessment of unlawful behavior (Sabina Kołodziej, Katarzyna Piotrowska, Katarzyna Pfeifer, Małgorzata Soszka)
12. Demand for immortality (Tomasz Baran)
17.15-18.00 ASPE meeting
19.00-24.00 – Poster Session I (19.00-20.00) and gala dinner (from g. 20.00) in the Old Town
DAY II – 18.05.2013 (SATURDAY)
9.00-10.00 Special Guest Lecture
High risk of low probability – Tadeusz Tyszka
10.00-10.30 Coffee break
10.30-12.30 Block 4 –Dilemmas of modern consumer
13. Health as a good in economic exchange – psychological shot (Małgorzata Górnik-Durose, Łukasz Jach)
14. Self-regulation in the field of morality and fitness in the context of consumer preferences (Anna Maria Zawadzka)
15. Beliefs on global warming and socioeconomic views and knowledge (Joanna Sokolowska)
16. Taxpayer stipology (Małgorzata Niesiobędzka)
17. Experimental study of opportunism related to the coordination of the production of public goods (Karol Fjałkowski, Rafał Jakubowski)
12.30-13.00 Poster session II at coffee
13.00-14.30 Block 5 – Consumer in the modern world
18. What's more affecting the attitudes and behaviorof the consumer: how much do we have, or how do we think? (Dominika Maison)
19. How to present a woman in advertising and women's consumer decisions (Katarzyna Sekścińska)
20. The role of value and etnocentry is in the formulation of consumer ratings on brands (Małgorzata Styśko-Kunkowska, Magdalena Woźniak)
21. Mediating the effect of stress on the link between imagining the consequences of risk and risk perception (Jakub Traczyk, Agata Sobków, Tomasz Zaleśkiewicz)
14.30-15.00 Conclusion of the conference.